One Year Free Adjustments
We want you to have the ride of your life!
A bicycle purchase from Eddy's Bike Shop includes some free services to help you enjoy your investment to the fullest.
Break-In Period:
It’s normal for your bike to go through a break-in period. During your first several rides all of the new component parts seat into one another and will require adjustment to bring everything back into specification. This inspection is critical to the longevity of your bike.
Break-In Inspection:
After this break in period (usually within 100 – 300 miles depending on the bicycle) there is a free Break-In Inspection of your bicycle. In this inspection, our trained technicians will reset all adjustments to factory specifications. This one time service is included with the purchase of every new bike. This must be used within 6 months of your purchase. No appointment is needed - and you will have your bike back in 24-48 hours.
Then, for the rest of the first year
We will perform a few types of minor adjustments for free! These are simple adjustments, not routine maintenance. The adjustments we do for free are those nagging little problems that make your bike not run as smoothly as when you first purchased it. Stop in at any time for this service. In most cases we will do it while you wait. All bicycles require one of our service packages on a regular basis to keep it running as smoothly as the day you bought it, and to ensure you get the most out of your investment.
Minor Brake Adjustments
Brakes squeak loudly when you apply them? The brake lever has to much throw when you try to stop? These problems and others will be handled quickly and professionally during your 1 Year Free Brake Adjustment period.
Minor Shifting Adjustments
Does your bike shift slowly? Are there lots of noises during the shift? Does your bike chatter after the shift is made? Do you sound generally noisy as you roll along? We can help! Shifting Adjustments during your 1 Year period are the most popular adjustments we do. Most cases are easy to fix - we will get you on the road or trail in no time!
Minor Wheel Truing
Do your brakes rub the rim in one spot? Is there wobble in your wheels? Wheel truing is not for the amateur. Minor wheel truing is included in our program. And now for the fine print: a seriously bent wheel is not minor; that's major work to straighten. Loose spokes mean that the wheel needs tensioned. Sorry, but labor will be charged for that type of repair. So if your wheel looks like a potato chip, bring some bucks.
Drivetrain Lubrication
This service is a must. Too many times we see bikes with little or no lube on the drivetrain. While the bike is in for a different adjustment, tell the mechanic to lube it. Just let us know your favorite: White Lightning, Finish Line, Boeshield, etc. Dry chains cause excessive wear and poor shifting. In the long run a dry drivetrain costs you dollars in parts and labor!
Check Tires for Proper Inflation
Do you have flats regularly? Does it feel like you are dragging a sand bag with you when you ride? If you ride a road bike, you should air up every time you ride. If you ride a mountain or comfort bike, air up weekly. We will check your tires and inflate them to the recommended pressure when you are in to see us.
It is important that you relay any problems you are having with your bike to the mechanic.
* The 1 Year Adjustments Program does not cover hydraulic disc brake bleeding or service.
* The 1 Year Adjustments Program covers bikes sold after January 1st, 2016.
* The 1 Year Adjustments Program is not a replacement for regular maintenance, it is a supplement to your regular maintenance duties.